Research Ethics and Practitioners: Concerns and Strategies for Novice Researchers Engaged in Graduate Education


  • Michelle K. McGinn Brock University
  • Sandra L. Bosacki Brock University



research ethics, practitioner research, graduate students, ethical standards, morality


In recent years, practitioner research has gained prominence in academic literature and in graduate programs. This has led to increased attention to the ethical complexities of research that interconnects with professional practice. Many practitioner-researchers struggle to plan research that simultaneously satisfies their intellectual curiosity, the ethical standards of their professional practice, and their institutional research ethics boards. These struggles are particularly evident for new researchers, including those engaged in graduate study. In this paper, we identify ethical tensions for novice practitioner-researchers enrolled in a graduate research course. The paper is intended to contribute to conversations about teaching research ethics in graduate education. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs040263


Author Biographies

Michelle K. McGinn, Brock University

Michelle McGINN is an Associate Professor and research methodologist in the Faculty of Education at Brock University. Her two main research emphases include: (a) researcher training in social science disciplines, and (b) feelings of marginalization and belonging in academe. She is also a member of the Social Sciences and Humanities Special Working Committee on Research Ethics (SSHWC), a national committee that reports to the Interagency Panel on Research Ethics (PRE) in Canada.

Sandra L. Bosacki, Brock University

Sandra BOSACKI is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Education at Brock University. Her research and teaching interests include sociocognitive development and resulting socioeducational and cultural implications for children and adolescents.




How to Cite

McGinn, M. K., & Bosacki, S. L. (2004). Research Ethics and Practitioners: Concerns and Strategies for Novice Researchers Engaged in Graduate Education. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 5(2).



FQS Debate: Qualitative Research and Ethics