Intercultural and Cross-Cultural Communication Research: Some Reflections about Culture and Qualitative Methods


  • Maria Assumpta Aneas Universitat de Barcelona
  • María Paz Sandín Universitat de Barcelona



culture, approaches to cultural research, qualitative methodology, intercultural communication, cross-cultural communication


This article attempts to offer a response, from a general perspective, to the question of how culture reveals itself in the application of qualitative research methods in intercultural communication. When we use the term "culture" it is important to bear in mind that culturally attributed social interaction processes are themselves the result of socially constructed processes. They are part of an individual-collective dialectic with multiple potential meanings, which are emergent and in constant reformulation from a wide variety of social and cultural perspectives. Much of the recent research in intercultural communication has been directed towards the study of these systems of culturally related meanings. The literature we review offers perspectives from a variety of disciplines and insights into the role of culture in communication processes. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0901519


Author Biographies

Maria Assumpta Aneas, Universitat de Barcelona

María Assumpta ANEAS, Dra. is a member of the research group GREDI (Group of Research on Intercultural Education) at Barcelona University. She is a professor in the Department MIDE (Methods of Research on Education). Her principal research area is that of Intercultural Competences, qualitative research methodologies and the integration of the migration. She is a member of IAIR, and is currently president of SIETAR Spain.

María Paz Sandín, Universitat de Barcelona

María Paz SANDIN, Dra. is a member of the research group GREDI (Group of Research on Intercultural Education) at Barcelona University. She is a professor in the Department MIDE (Methods of Research on Education). Her research work started in 1992 with research into intercultural education, and during her professional career she has carried out numerous assessments, participated in action research processes as well in participative evaluation ones in secondary schools. In recent years her work has centered on qualitative research methodologies and on the treatment of qualitative data using computer software.



How to Cite

Aneas, M. A., & Paz Sandín, M. (2009). Intercultural and Cross-Cultural Communication Research: Some Reflections about Culture and Qualitative Methods. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 10(1).



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