Volume 1, No. 2, Art. 1 – June 2000
Katja Mruck, Franz Breuer & Carl Ratner
It is part of FQS' program to present traditions, important points of discussion, research approaches and empirical projects from different social sciences disciplines to our readers. In this way we hope to promote and increase the chance for intra- and interdisciplinary discourse: to improve the knowledge and acknowledgment of approaches and concepts beyond the boundaries of the single disciplines, to improve possibilities of cooperation and to deepen the intellectual and social qualitative research networks. [1]
We start with the presentation of "Qualitative Methods in Various Disciplines" by introducing German language qualitative Psychology to our readership. Further Issues, concerning e.g. Cultural Sciences (FQS, Issue 6) and Criminology (FQS, Issue 7), will follow. [2]
Besides contributions belonging to German language qualitative Psychology (see BREUER & MRUCK for a brief introduction), on the one hand, FQS 1(2) contains articles helping to understand the state of qualitative Psychology in other nations or within special psychological sub-disciplines. Another contribution is dedicated to discuss (self) critically the state of qualitative methodology in a more general way. For both topics you might also take an additional look to the contributions collected in FQS 1(1). [3]
Totally new in this FQS issue are the rubrics FQS Debates and FQS Reviews. With FQS Debates we would like to open the moderated discourse on topics we regard as especially important for qualitative research. The first FQS Debate deals—starting with a contribution from Jo REICHERTZ "On the Problem of Validity of Qualitative Research" (in this issue)—with the question of quality standards for qualitative research (this contribution is actually only available in German language). The Review rubric consists of Review Essays, discussing those books given in a more general methodological and/or theoretical context, and of shorter Review Notes, which will give a first description and evaluation of the books under review for our readership. [4]
Finally, we have to mention an important change, also starting with this second FQS issue: from now on abstracts in FQS will be available in English, German, and Spanish language. We especially like to acknowledge Euclides SÁNCHEZ, who since the beginning of July is one of FQS' Regional Editors Latin America and who realized this together with colleagues from the Central University of Venezuela for FQS 1(2). [5]
We also like to warmly thank all authors of this Issue for their cooperation and—last but not least—our co-reviewers, who helped us realizing the Issue, namely Julie CORBIN, Gabi LÖSCHPER, Werner KALLMEYER, Günter MEY, David NIGHTINGALE, Falk SEEGER and Clemens WISCHERMANN. [6]
We now wish you a hopefully interesting and stimulating reading, and we are looking forward to your comments! [7]
Mruck, Katja; Breuer, Franz & Ratner, Carl (2000). Introduction [7 paragraphs]. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 1(2), Art. 1, http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs000212.
Revised 7/2008