Qualitative Methods in the Study of Biographies, Interactions and Everyday Life Contexts: The Development of a Research Style


  • Franz Breuer Universität Münster




qualitative interview, biographical interview, self-confrontation-interview, content analysis, conversation analysis, Grounded Theory, self-reflection, subjectivity, research style


The development of a methodical research style is described. The way to handle data won from 1) interviews with psychological counselors/therapists concerning their professional biography, 2) conversation analysis of therapeutic sessions and 3) evaluation of "self-confrontation interviews" stimulated through video usage (to capture the "inner aspects of given actions" on the part of the counselor/therapist) is also discussed. Furthermore, a concept for research is presented in which qualitative interviews and field research, Grounded Theory method and self-reflection of researcher subjectivity as instruments for insight and discovery are implemented in various thematic fields. The development of these methods is brought into connection with premises related to epistemological and methodological convictions and preferences. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs000235


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How to Cite

Breuer, F. (2000). Qualitative Methods in the Study of Biographies, Interactions and Everyday Life Contexts: The Development of a Research Style. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 1(2). https://doi.org/10.17169/fqs-1.2.1072

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