Socio-Psychological Reconstruction—Integration of Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods in Psychological Research on Conflict and Peace
constructive conflict resolution, priority of subject matter, socio-psychological reconstruction, integration of quantitative and qualitative research, methodologies, text-analytical methods, latent style analysisAbstract
The present paper informs about the methodological approach of the Peace Research Group at the University of Constance (Germany) and deals with text-analytical methods in the context of constructive conflict transformation and conflict resolution. Giving priority to the subject matter of conflict research rather than to a specific methodological ideology, this approach aims at the integration of quantitative and qualitative research methodologies. Accordingly, Socio-Psychological Reconstruction is not to be understood as a special technique of text analysis, but rather as a family of text-analytical methods which are linked to each other by a common theoretical basis and which represent a broad spectrum of methods that range from interpretative to content analytical techniques. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0002128Downloads
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How to Cite
Kempf, W., Baros, W., & Regener, I. (2000). Socio-Psychological Reconstruction—Integration of Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods in Psychological Research on Conflict and Peace. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 1(2).
German Qualitative Psychology
Copyright (c) 2000 Wilhelm Kempf, Wassilios Baros, Irena Regener

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