Review: Keith F. Punch (2005). Introduction to Social Research—Quantitative & Qualitative Approaches


  • Constantinos N. Phellas Intercollege Nicosia



social research, quantitative, qualitative, ethics, operationalisation, validity, reliability


PUNCH's book is composed of 12 comprehensive and very accessible chapters on quantitative, qualitative and mixed empirical methods, intended for newcomers to the social sciences. This second edition of the book provides a wide range of illustrative examples, making it easier for the student to comprehend the basics of research. I would strongly recommend it to my undergraduate students as a practical and friendly guide for their studies. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs060249


Author Biography

Constantinos N. Phellas, Intercollege Nicosia

Constantinos N. PHELLAS is currently an associate professor in the School of Humanities at Intercollege, Nicosia, Cyprus. His research interests include sexualities, HIV/AIDS, public health and health promotion and education and the construction of sexual and cultural identities among ethnic minority communities. His publications focus on the intersection of gender and ethnicity and on the use of qualitative and quantitative methods in researching sexualities. His book "The Construction of Sexual and Cultural Identities: Greek-Cypriot Men Resident in England" was published in 2002 by Ashgate Publishers. He is also the director of a Research Unit in Behaviour and Social Issues (RUBSI)—an NGO based at Intercollege. The unit is currently involved in two research projects funded by the Cypriot Government on HIV/AIDS and the social aspects of diabetes in Cyprus and one project on gender discrimination funded by EU.




How to Cite

Phellas, C. N. (2006). Review: Keith F. Punch (2005). Introduction to Social Research—Quantitative & Qualitative Approaches. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 7(2).