Ethnography on the Move: From Field to Net to Internet
ethnography, multi-sited ethnography, virtual reality, internetAbstract
Traditional ethnographies have been based on the ideas of locality. But with the rise of globalisation processes this concept has been increasingly questioned on a theoretical level. In the last decade, US-American anthropologists called for multi-sited ethnographies. However, the practical implications for research with such a shift have not been broadly discussed yet. Now, with the internet and different kinds of virtual interaction patterns, ethnographic work faces a new challenge. This paper argues that it is necessary to focus on the implications of fieldwork in virtual settings for ethnographic practice. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0001213Downloads
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How to Cite
Wittel, A. (2000). Ethnography on the Move: From Field to Net to Internet. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 1(1).
Research Approaches and Methods
Copyright (c) 2000 Andreas Wittel

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