Mobilising Visual Ethnography: Making Routes, Making Place and Making Images
visual ethnography, place-making, walking, mobility, routes, senses, CittàslowAbstract
This article builds on the earlier notion of a visual ethnography (PINK, 2007a) to suggest the idea of a visual ethnography in/of movement. Recent anthropological discussions have drawn attention to the importance of studying other people's "routes and mobilities" (LEE & INGOLD, 2006). Following this work I examine what visual ethnographers might learn from an analysis of how routes and mobilities are represented in local visual culture. Drawing on my recent research about the Cittàslow (Slow City) movement in the UK, I analyse a series of locally produced experiential, audiovisual and photographic narratives. I propose that such a focus can provide visual ethnographers with significant understandings of how place is made. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0803362Downloads
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How to Cite
Pink, S. (2008). Mobilising Visual Ethnography: Making Routes, Making Place and Making Images. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 9(3).
Thematic Issue
Copyright (c) 2008 Sarah Pink

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