Comment: Thinking About Open Access—Concretely


  • Wolff-Michael Roth University of Victoria



academic publishing, activity theory, open access publishing, cultural-historical analysis


In a recent review essay concerning open access (VALSINER, 2006), readers are confronted with some claims about the shifting of publication costs from the producer to the user without actually facilitating access to the products of scientific research. In the absence of concrete cases and case studies to substantiate the claims, I felt that the comments in their abstractness, while I sympathize with them, do not sufficiently advance our understanding of the issues involved in the open-access phenomenon. I am calling for a more differentiated, concrete method of dealing with open access and especially with the question of who is bearing the costs involved in publishing research results. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0602291


Author Biography

Wolff-Michael Roth, University of Victoria

Wolff-Michael ROTH ( is Lansdowne Professor of applied cognitive science at the University of Victoria. His interdisciplinary research agenda includes studies in science and mathematics education, general education, applied cognitive science, sociology of science, and linguistics (pragmatics). His recent publications include Talking Science: Language and Learning in Science (Rowman & Littlefield, 2005), Doing Qualitative Research: Praxis of Method (SensePublishers, 2005), and Learning Science: A Singular Plural Perspective (SensePublishers, 2006).




How to Cite

Roth, W.-M. (2006). Comment: Thinking About Open Access—Concretely. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 7(2).

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