Exploring the Ethical Imagination: Conversation as Practice Versus Committee as Gatekeeper


  • Sabi Redwood Bournemouth University
  • Les Todres Bournemouth University




ethics, qualitative research, research regulation, Gadamer, Levinas


This conversation (from which some excerpts are reproduced below) was part of the preparatory work for my (Sabi) doctorate in education in which I focus on ethical decision-making in qualitative research in health care settings. Les and I hope that readers who share our concerns about how qualitative studies are reviewed may contribute to this dialogue so that, as a community of researchers, we can start to think and speak differently about ethics and ethical decision-making in qualitative research. Thinking and speaking differently, we hope, may bring about changes in the review processes to make them more congruent with the values of our work and reflect more faithfully the tensions and dilemmas we, and our students, face in our practice. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0602341


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Author Biographies

Sabi Redwood, Bournemouth University

Sabi REDWOOD is a senior lecturer at the Institute of Health and Community Studies, Bournemouth University where she supports students' learning in research and practice development methodologies in health and social care. She previously worked in the NHS managing children's health services before starting a career in research and higher education. She is currently working towards her doctorate in education at the Centre for Applied Research in Education at the University of East Anglia. Her interests include poststructural philosophy (in particular LEVINAS and DERRIDA) and critical theory (FOUCAULT).

Les Todres, Bournemouth University

Les TODRES is a clinical psychologist and professor of qualitative research and psychotherapy at the Institute of Health and Community Studies, Bournemouth University. His previous occupational roles have included head of a student counselling service and director of a clinical psychology training programme. He has also worked within NHS clinics and GP practices. He has published in the areas of phenomenological psychology and integrative psychotherapy. Current research interests focus on the methodological challenges of disseminating qualitative research findings so that they can make a difference to the quality of peoples' lives.




How to Cite

Redwood, S., & Todres, L. (2006). Exploring the Ethical Imagination: Conversation as Practice Versus Committee as Gatekeeper. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 7(2). https://doi.org/10.17169/fqs-7.2.129



FQS Debate: Qualitative Research and Ethics