Review: Udo Kuckartz, Thomas Ebert, Stefan Rädiker & Claus Stefer (2009). Evaluation Online. Internetgestützte Befragung in der Praxis [Online Evaluation. Internet-based Surveys in Practice]
evaluation, course evaluation, Internet, online survey, mixed methods, MAXQDAAbstract
Using the example of a course evaluation, the authors of this text discuss Internet-based methods in evaluation research. The authors pursue a mixed-methods approach and emphasize the analysis of qualitative data with MAXQDA. The book's main text is interwoven with a discussion of an exemplary study, which allows readers to get a clear idea of the procedures described. Unfortunately, the book’s focus on a particular methodology and a single example limit its general usefulness. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs090352Downloads
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How to Cite
Link, T. (2009). Review: Udo Kuckartz, Thomas Ebert, Stefan Rädiker & Claus Stefer (2009). Evaluation Online. Internetgestützte Befragung in der Praxis [Online Evaluation. Internet-based Surveys in Practice]. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 10(3).
FQS Reviews
Copyright (c) 1970 Thomas Link

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