Review: Reinhard Müller (2008). Marienthal. Das Dorf – Die Arbeitslosen – Die Studie [Marienthal. The Village—the Unemployed—the Study]


  • Gerhard Jost Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien



sociography, community study, unemployment, methods, classical studies


The book by Reinhard MÜLLER deals with the well-known study "Marienthal: The Sociography of an Unemployed Community" by Marie JAHODA, Paul F. LAZARSFELD, and Hans ZEISEL (1933, 1971). The author presents interesting socio-historical details about the study itself as well as about the community and factory. More than half of the book is dedicated to the development of the workers' settlement of Marienthal, starting with the founding of the village and then the textile factory. The author describes historical events, important people' and developments in the community. Also additional information—portraits and memories—about the well-known study is presented. The book not only enables a deeper insight into the classical study and the settlement of Marienthal, it also illustrates (Austrian) history by way of a community and a study. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0903206


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Author Biography

Gerhard Jost, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien

Gerhard JOST, Dr., ao. Univ. Prof, Studium der Soziologie an der Universität Wien. Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Soziologie und empirische Sozialforschung an der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien. Forschungs- und Lehrschwerpunkte: Biografieforschung und qualitative Sozialforschung; Durchführung verschiedener qualitativer Forschungsprojekte. In FQS finden sich von Gerhard JOST Besprechungen zu "Passagen und Passantinnen. Biographisches Lernen junger Frauen" (von Doris LEMMERMÖHLE, Stefanie GROßE, Antje SCHELLAK & Renate PUTSCHBACH, 2006; sowie "Patchwork(er) on Tour. Berufsbiografien von Personalentwicklern" (von Gerhard NIEDERMAIR, 2005;

How to Cite

Jost, G. (2009). Review: Reinhard Müller (2008). Marienthal. Das Dorf – Die Arbeitslosen – Die Studie [Marienthal. The Village—the Unemployed—the Study]. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 10(3).