Ethnicity and Transnational Relations of Cuban Immigrants in Germany. An Insight into a Case Reconstruction


  • Rosa María Brandhorst Fachhochschule der Diakonie GmbH Bielefeld



ethnicity, transnationalism, Cuban migrants, biography


In my presentation of a case reconstruction of a Cuban migrant living in Berlin, I provide detailed insight into the diachronical/biographical dynamics of ethnic belonging, the dealing with categorizations and the forms of transnational relations. The article also details the situation of Cuban immigrants in Germany. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0903277


Author Biography

Rosa María Brandhorst, Fachhochschule der Diakonie GmbH Bielefeld

Rosa María BRANDHORST, M.A., studied social anthropology and Spanish philology at the Georg-August-University Göttingen. She participated in the collaborative research project of the social sciences department of the Georg-August-University and the department of Conflict Analysis and Resolution at the Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale. She is currently working on a research project titled "Religion, Coping Strategies, and Health" at the Academy of Welfare and Social Work in Bielefeld (Fachhochschule der Diakonie Bielefeld) and is writing her Ph.D. thesis titled "Transnational Family Networks as Agents of Social Change in Cuba in the Context of Family and Life History."




How to Cite

Brandhorst, R. M. (2009). Ethnicity and Transnational Relations of Cuban Immigrants in Germany. An Insight into a Case Reconstruction. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 10(3).