Review: Tasos Zembylas & Claudia Dürr (2009). Wissen, Können und literarisches Schreiben. Eine Epistemologie der künstlerischen Praxis [Knowledge, Mastery, and literate Writing. An Epistemology of Artistic Practice]
tacit knowing view, practical knowledge, implicit knowledge, tacit knowing, epistemology, prose writingAbstract
Tasos ZEMBYLAS and Claudia DÜRR trace the emergence of prose texts. By analyzing three case studies of young writers, they map a central domain of artistic practice. Their particular focus is on practical knowledge, which they assume to be highly important. However, as it is intimately intermingled with relevant performance, its empirical "capture" is both challenging and attracting. Practical knowledge is often not only implicit, but does not share many of the characteristics of propositional knowledge. The authors reconstruct its relevance, externalization and nature, as well as its individual and cultural shape. This paper focuses on the analysis of the study's theoretical background, the so-called Tacit Knowing View. After an introduction, this framework is applied onto itself. Hence, it can be asked if practical knowledge—as conceptualized within this view—can be empirically captured. It is only then that the study of ZEMBYLAS and DÜRR can be properly valued. The conclusion is drawn that their book represents an important first step on a longer road towards the intended epistemology of artistic practice. Based upon the Tacit Knowing View framework, further steps along this road are suggested. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs1003298Downloads
How to Cite
Fothe, S. (2010). Review: Tasos Zembylas & Claudia Dürr (2009). Wissen, Können und literarisches Schreiben. Eine Epistemologie der künstlerischen Praxis [Knowledge, Mastery, and literate Writing. An Epistemology of Artistic Practice]. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 11(3).
FQS Reviews
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