Review: Rainer Diaz-Bone & Gertraude Krell (Eds.) (2009). Diskurs und Ökonomie. Diskursanalytische Perspektiven auf Märkte und Organisationen [Discourse and Economy. Discourse Analytical Perspectives on Markets and Organizations]
economy, economics, discourse theory, discourse analysis, organization studies, management studies, methodology, rhetoric, institution, linguisticsAbstract
Rainer DIAZ-BONE and Gertraude KRELL's anthology "Discourse and Economy" offers a comprehensive insight into the wide array of discourse analytical perspectives on markets and organizations that have cropped up in recent years in the fields of sociology, economics, business administration, management, and organization studies. All contributions share the presupposition that economic phenomena are genuinely discursive. Hence, investigating the discursive dimension of economic phenomena becomes a core task of economic research. The foundations for such a "strong" research program are laid out in the introduction and first part of the anthology, devoted to theoretical discussion. In the second part, DIAZ-BONE and KRELL assemble empirical research that convincingly demonstrates the economic insights that discourse analysis can produce and the reflexive benefits that such an approach can contribute to economic research. All contributing authors, in addition to presenting their own research findings, also devote considerable effort to describing the logic and praxis of the research process. The anthology is thus not only informative, but may also prove effective in stimulating one's own research. DIAZ-BONE and KRELL's work helps to sketch the trans-disciplinary position from which economic speech and thought can be studied, introduces various research methods, and opens up the discussion on the methodological consequences of employing these in the research process. URN:
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How to Cite
Schmidt-Wellenburg, C. (2010). Review: Rainer Diaz-Bone & Gertraude Krell (Eds.) (2009). Diskurs und Ökonomie. Diskursanalytische Perspektiven auf Märkte und Organisationen [Discourse and Economy. Discourse Analytical Perspectives on Markets and Organizations]. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 12(1).
FQS Reviews
Copyright (c) 1970 Christian Schmidt-Wellenburg

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