Review: Stefanie Große (2008). Lebensbrüche als Chance? Lern- und Bildungsprozesse im Umgang mit kritischen Lebensereignissen [Critical Life Events as Opportunities? Educational and Learning Processes in Dealing with Critical Life Events]
critical life events, biographical research, coping strategies, biographical interviews, grounded theory methodology, case reconstruction, life course passages, educational and learning processesAbstract
Stefanie GROßE's work addresses the subjective importance of critical life events in the biographies of young women. She examines the ramifications of critical life experiences on the design of professional and private lives, as well as on educational and learning processes triggered by the critical experience. The book is set in the context of educational science and biographical research. A discussion of psychological and educational theories as well as modernization theory approaches is followed by the presentation of three detailed case studies. In the analysis, the author identifies three strategies for dealing with critical life events, each activating different potentials of educational and learning processes. URN:
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How to Cite
Jesser, A. C. (2011). Review: Stefanie Große (2008). Lebensbrüche als Chance? Lern- und Bildungsprozesse im Umgang mit kritischen Lebensereignissen [Critical Life Events as Opportunities? Educational and Learning Processes in Dealing with Critical Life Events]. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 12(2).
FQS Reviews
Copyright (c) 2011 Andrea Jesser

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