Review: Petia Genkova & Andrea E. Abele (Eds.) (2008). Lernen und Entwicklung im globalen Kontext. "Heimliche Lehrpläne" und Basiskompetenzen [Learning and Development in a Global Context. Hidden Curriculum and Base Competencies]
globalization, competence development, social competency, organizational development, education, equal opportunities, hidden curriculumAbstract
This anthology addresses globalization with regard to the world of work. How can women pursue their career and enjoy equal opportunities in the labor market? How can employees be supported during the process of company acquisition? How can the existential crises of young adults that were triggered through institutional work experiences be met and coped with? How can violence among children and adolescents be prevented? Seventeen contributions in Petia GENKOVA's and Andrea E. ABELE's anthology provide answers to these questions. There are four chapters focusing on: 1. female employees and their career, 2. patterns of socialization, 3. self-socialization as a means of gaining basic competencies, and 4. diversity and political culture. A short description of the meaning of a hidden curriculum in times of globalization follows an introduction to the contents of the book and information about the authors. All articles included are then commented upon. It should be noted that the anthology contains a variety of themes and aspects regarding globalization as well as innovative and interactive research methods, although the qualitative methods applied are limited to participative observation and expert interviews. The weakness of the anthology is that due to the complex and abstract linguistic usage, the concepts have not been made sufficiently accessible and straightforward. URN:
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How to Cite
Bernhard, D. (2011). Review: Petia Genkova & Andrea E. Abele (Eds.) (2008). Lernen und Entwicklung im globalen Kontext. "Heimliche Lehrpläne" und Basiskompetenzen [Learning and Development in a Global Context. Hidden Curriculum and Base Competencies]. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 12(2).
FQS Reviews
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