Review: Psychologie & Gesellschaftskritik (2005). Heft 3/4 2005: "Psychologien" [Psychologies]
post-modern critique, construction of meaning, LACAN, discursive psychology, cultural psychology, contextualized subject, human sciences projectAbstract
Almost from its outset psychology has been a science confronted with demands for change. These articles by international and German contributors to the journal Psychologie & Gesellschaftskritik (Issue 3/4, 2005) recognize the need for such a change, centered on language and culture, in at least some parts of the discipline. The authors develop perspectives on how to change psychology as a whole into a multi-centered and many-voiced discipline. The partly new (GERGEN, ALLOLIO-NÄCKE, KOBBÉ) and partly reworked (BROCKMEIER & HARRÉ, POTTER, ABBEY & VALSINER, PARKER) ideas for a new psychology represent an interesting opportunity to attend to the correspondences and differences between different approaches and their potential to contribute to these changes. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0604321Downloads
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How to Cite
Kleeberg-Niepage, A. (2006). Review: Psychologie & Gesellschaftskritik (2005). Heft 3/4 2005: "Psychologien" [Psychologies]. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 7(4).
FQS Reviews
Copyright (c) 2006 Andrea Kleeberg-Niepage

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