Qualitative Methods at the Crossroads: Recent Developments in Interpretive Social Research


  • Hubert Knoblauch Technische Universität Berlin




interpretive paradigm, standardization, creativity, subjectivity, social theory


Looking at the development of qualitative methods in the long run one can see their successful dissemination across a variety of disciplines. As a consequence of this dissemination, qualitative methods have been institutionalized within the social sciences and beyond. This institutionalization led to an increasing tendency to standardization. Standardization, however, stands in strong contrast to the original idées diréctrices of qualitative methods which have been based on the interpretive paradigm in the social sciences. This contrast constitutes the crossroads at which qualitative methods are required to focus on the role of interpretation, subjectivity, and methodological creativity which constitute their identity.

URN: http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs1303128


Author Biography

Hubert Knoblauch, Technische Universität Berlin

Hubert KNOBLAUCH is Professor for Theory of Modern Societies and General Sociology at the Technical University of Berlin. His research interests include social theory, sociology of knowledge, communication and religion, death studies as well as videography and ethnography. Publications on methods include: "Videography" (KNOBLAUCH, SCHNETTLER & TUMA, 2014, New York: Lang); "Video Analysis. Methodology and Methods. Qualitative Audiovisual Data Analysis in Sociology" (KNOBLAUCH et al., 2006, Frankfurt/M.: Lang); "Qualitative Religionsforschung" (KNOBLAUCH, 2003,Paderborn: Schöningh) and "Qualitative Methods in Europe: The Variety of Social Research" (KNOBLAUCH, FLICK & MAEDER, 2005, FQS 6[3]).



How to Cite

Knoblauch, H. (2013). Qualitative Methods at the Crossroads: Recent Developments in Interpretive Social Research. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 14(3). https://doi.org/10.17169/fqs-14.3.2063



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