Review: Michael Jäckel & Manfred Mai (Eds.) (2005). Online-Vergesellschaftung? Mediensoziologische Perspektiven auf neue Kommunikationstechnologien [Internet-mediated Societalization? Media Sociology's Perspectives on New Communication Technologies]


  • Thomas Link



media sociology, Internet, information technologies (IT), societalization, communication, interaction, network analysis, interactivity, social design, open-source software, science, knowledge management, PowerPoint


The present volume includes papers presented at the meeting of the division for media sociology at the 32nd Conference of the German Society for Sociology (DGS) in Munich in 2004. The contributions cover a wide range of sociological aspects of the use of information technologies such as the use of PowerPoint for academic presentations and technology-supported knowledge-management in companies, but also cover theoretical works on the concept of a virtualized person. Despite these diverse approaches to this topic, the volume does not entirely succeed in elaborating on the concept of technology as a means of societalization as a theoretical approach beyond technological or cultural determinism. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0701243


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Author Biography

Thomas Link

Thomas LINK, Studium der Soziologie, Universitätsassistent an der Besonderen Einrichtung für medizinische Aus- und Weiterbildung der Medizinuniversität Wien. Arbeitsschwerpunkte: E-Learning, Computer Literacy, technische Innovation, soziologische Aspekte der IKT. In FQS finden sich von Thomas LINK weitere Besprechungen zu "Evaluation von E-Learning" ( und "Wie entdecken Kinder das Internet?" (



How to Cite

Link, T. (2007). Review: Michael Jäckel & Manfred Mai (Eds.) (2005). Online-Vergesellschaftung? Mediensoziologische Perspektiven auf neue Kommunikationstechnologien [Internet-mediated Societalization? Media Sociology’s Perspectives on New Communication Technologies]. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 8(1).