Review: Verena Dreißig (2005). Interkulturelle Kommunikation im Krankenhaus. Eine Studie zur Interaktion zwischen Klinikpersonal und Patienten mit Migrationshintergrund [Intercultural Communication in the Hospital. A Study of Hospital Staff Interaction with Migrant Patients]


  • Dietmar Rost Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut Essen



culture, fieldwork, health sciences, hospital, intercultural communication, interviews, migration, nursing service science, participant observation, staff-patient interaction in hospitals


Based on participant observation and interviews which the author carried out in two hospitals, the study analyses intercultural communication between staff and patients with migrant backgrounds. This is embedded in a broader analysis of staff-patient relations in general, i.e., without regard to questions of cultural difference. The book provides vivid insights into the researched fields. Its main conclusion states that intercultural communication in hospitals is less problematic than is often assumed. It remains difficult, however, to understand how that conclusion was derived from the material presented. This problem is linked with, among other things, the use of different concepts of culture. A further shortcoming is the inconsistent accounts of methods applied. Thus, the book will be of interest especially to those coming from practice. To them, the account based on the fieldworker's external view may serve as a reflection of their own work practice and their dealing with patients of different cultural background. It is exactly that readership to whom the book’s practice-related suggestions and conclusions are addressed. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs070155


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Author Biography

Dietmar Rost, Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut Essen

Dietmar ROST, Dr., M.A., Studium von Soziologie, Sozialanthropologie und Psychologie. Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für Allgemeine Soziologie der Universität Potsdam im von der Volkswagen-Stiftung geförderten Forschungsprojekt "Neue regionale Identitäten und strategischer Essentialismus". Lehrbeauftragter im Studiengang "Management und Expertise für Pflege- und Gesundheitsfachberufe (B.A.)" an der Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft des Saarlandes ( Publikationen: Gesellschaftsbilder in Sardinien (Münster: LIT, 2000); New regional identities and strategic essentialism. Case studies from Poland, Italy and Germany (gemeinsam mit Erhard STÖLTING; Tomasz ZARYCKI; Paolo PASI; Ivan PEDRAZZINI & Anna TUCHOLSKA; Münster: LIT, im Druck). In FQS bisher veröffentlicht: Ein Rezensionsaufsatz zu "Kollektive Identität" ( (von Lutz NIETHAMMER 2000) sowie der Beitrag: "Die Produktion der 'Brandenburger'. Eine Fallstudie zu regionalem Fernsehen und dessen Bemühungen um Stiftung von Landesidentität durch Geschichte" (



How to Cite

Rost, D. (2007). Review: Verena Dreißig (2005). Interkulturelle Kommunikation im Krankenhaus. Eine Studie zur Interaktion zwischen Klinikpersonal und Patienten mit Migrationshintergrund [Intercultural Communication in the Hospital. A Study of Hospital Staff Interaction with Migrant Patients]. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 8(1).