Proposals for the Operationalisation of the Discourse Theory of Laclau and Mouffe Using a Triangulation of Lexicometrical and Interpretative Methods


  • Georg Glasze Universität Mainz



discourse theory, discourse analysis, lexicometric analysis, corpus linguistics, narrative analysis, political geography, cultural geography, Francophonia


The discourse theory of Ernesto LACLAU and Chantal MOUFFE brings together three elements: the FOUCAULTian notion of discourse, the (post-) MARXist notion of hegemony, and the poststructuralist writings of Jacques DERRIDA and Roland BARTHES. Discourses are regarded as temporary fixations of differential relations. Meaning, i.e. any social "objectivity", is conceptualised as an effect of such a fixation. The discussion on an appropriate operationalisation of such a discourse theory is just beginning. In this paper, it is argued that a triangulation of two linguistic methods is appropriate to reveal temporary fixations: by means of corpus-driven lexicometric procedures as well as by the analysis of narrative patterns, the regularities of the linkage of elements can be analysed (for example, in diachronic comparisons). The example of a geographic research project shows how, in so doing, the historically contingent constitution of an international community and "world region" can be analysed. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0702143


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Author Biography

Georg Glasze, Universität Mainz

Dr. Georg GLASZE (Dipl.-Geograph) ist Wissenschaftlicher Assistent am Geographischen Institut der Universität Mainz. Seine Forschungsschwerpunkte liegen in der geographischen Stadtforschung und der Politischen Geographie. Im Bereich der Stadtforschung arbeitet er in mehreren Projekten zur diskursiven Konstitution städtischer (Un-) Sicherheiten im internationalen Vergleich sowie zur Etablierung neuer Governance-Formen auf sub-kommunaler Ebene (bspw. "Business Improvement Districts", "Private Communities"). Im Bereich der Politischen Geographie untersucht er am Beispiel der Frankophonie die diskursive Konstitution von Gemeinschaften und dabei insbesondere die Funktion räumlicher Differenzierungen. Georg GLASZE moderiert gemeinsam mit Annika MATTISSEK ein DFG-gefördertes Wissenschaftsnetz zur "Diskursforschung in der Humangeographie".



How to Cite

Glasze, G. (2007). Proposals for the Operationalisation of the Discourse Theory of Laclau and Mouffe Using a Triangulation of Lexicometrical and Interpretative Methods. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 8(2).