Conference Report: The Sociology of Knowledge: Approaches to Discourse Analysis & Further Perspectives on Discourse Research


  • Cindy Ballaschk Humboldt Universität zu Berlin



discourse analysis, sociology of knowledge, dispositif analysis, narrative analysis


This article offers insights into the agenda and themes covered at the Spring School 2015 conference "The Sociology of Knowledge: Approaches to Discourse Analysis & Further Perspectives on Discourse Research" held in Augsburg. Over 3 days, 30 participants had the opportunity to get acquainted with 3 different approaches to discourse analysis in the social sciences. This conference report provides an overview of the topics discussed and of the contents of the lectures and workshops. The Spring School offered workshops with Reiner KELLER on the sociology of knowledge and approaches to discourse; with Werner SCHNEIDER on dispositif analysis; and with Willy VIEHÖVER on the analysis of narratives. The participants were presented with plenty of examples and had the opportunity to apply the methodologies practically, allowing them to get familiar with the particularities of each approach and to get to know their strengths and limitations.



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Author Biography

Cindy Ballaschk, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin

Cindy BALLASCHK promoviert bei Prof. Dr. Lisa PFAHL (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) und Prof. Dr. Heinz-Jürgen VOß (Hochschule Merseburg) zum Sexualkundeunterricht an Berliner Schulen. Für den Sexualkundeunterricht genutzte Schulbücher und weitere Materialien werden diskursanalytisch intersektional auf Normierungen zu Geschlecht und Sexualität untersucht. Zudem werden Lehrer_innen zur Nutzung der Unterrichtsmaterialien und zur Gestaltung ihres Unterrichts befragt. Das Forschungsprojekt wird durch die Hans-Böckler-Stiftung gefördert.



How to Cite

Ballaschk, C. (2015). Conference Report: The Sociology of Knowledge: Approaches to Discourse Analysis & Further Perspectives on Discourse Research. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 16(3).



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