Review: Michelle Lazar (Ed.) (2007). Feminist Critical Discourse Analysis. Gender, Power and Ideology in Discourse
power, gender, discourse, feminist methodology, critical discourse analysisAbstract
This book brings together for the first time an international collection of studies of CDA (Critical Discourse Analysis) from a feminist perspective. The book makes visible a wide range of analyses concerned with gender inequalities in contemporary discourse. It shows both the persistence of such inequalities and how heterogeneous forms of such inequalities arise in different institutional, cultural and geographical contexts. The chapters in the book are especially relevant in exploring present day structures and ideologies of gender, since they challenge common post-egalitarian assumptions and fine-tune the analysis of gender identities and of the persistent limits imposed upon women. All these elements are considered in their inter-twining with other structures of domination in the specific contexts in which such identities are produced, negotiated and challenged. It is an especially relevant volume for feminist research and critical discourse analysis, with important consequences for theoretical and analytical approaches to the interaction between power, gender and ideology in discourse. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0702328Downloads
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How to Cite
Amigot Leache, P. (2007). Review: Michelle Lazar (Ed.) (2007). Feminist Critical Discourse Analysis. Gender, Power and Ideology in Discourse. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 8(2).
FQS Reviews
Copyright (c) 2007 Patricia Amigot Leache

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