Review: Dominik Schrage (Ed.) (2005). Die Flut. Diskursanalysen zum Dresdner Hochwasser im August 2002 [The Flood. Discourse Analyses on the Dresden Flood in August 2002]
discourse analysis, flood, nature and societyAbstract
The volume edited by Dominik SCHRAGE documents the results of a research seminar held by the editor at the Department of Sociology, Technical University of Dresden, in the spring term of 2004 and fall term of 2004/05. The contributions are based mainly on discourse analysis of print media coverage of the Elbe flood in the summer of 2002. Topics include a reflection on the possibilities of implementing FOUCAULTian discourse theory within empirical research projects, as well as formal characteristics of the flood discourse, the mutual interference between the reports on the election campaigns for the Bundestag and on the flood, and finally the image of nature emerging within the flood discourse. The volume shows the potential of FOUCAULT's discourse analysis for current social events and outlines possible methodological implementations. Moreover, it is a recommended reading for those who are interested in changes in discursive structures within exceptional social circumstances in general and in the social framing of natural disaster in particular. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs070252Downloads
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How to Cite
Mattissek, A. (2007). Review: Dominik Schrage (Ed.) (2005). Die Flut. Diskursanalysen zum Dresdner Hochwasser im August 2002 [The Flood. Discourse Analyses on the Dresden Flood in August 2002]. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 8(2).
FQS Reviews
Copyright (c) 2007 Annika Mattissek

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