Conference Report: Of Football-Themed Church Services and Techno Parties in Pubs: "The Hybridization of Staged Events. On Discussions About Events During Periods of Time"


  • Jasmin Wittkowski TU Dortmund
  • Gregor Betz TU Dortmund



events, hybridity, modernization, social change, ethnography, sociology of knowledge


Over recent years a variety of new types of events have emerged. One of their characteristics is the deliberate mixing and combination of different cultural areas. These hybrid phenomena are what the participants focused on at the international conference "The Hybridization of Staged Events. On Discussions about Events during Periods of Time" held in Dortmund, Germany on April 8 and 9, 2016. The contributions covered conceptual and theoretical frameworks as well as historical and contemporary perspectives. A special emphasis was put on topics such as hybridization in youth cultures and the virtual space, but also on the reinterpretation of traditional rituals and occasions. Furthermore, this article aims to outline the attempt to limit the wide and diverse topic of ambiguous, mixed events, as well as the attempt to decide on a definition.



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Author Biographies

Jasmin Wittkowski, TU Dortmund

Jasmin Isabel WITTKOWSKI ist wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft am Lehrstuhl für Allgemeine Soziologie der TU Dortmund. Im Rahmen des Projektes "Protest-Hybride. Zur Bedeutung von Spaß und hedonistischen Motiven bei Protestereignissen und daraus resultierende Spannungsverhältnisse" forscht sie zu Mediatisierung, (translokaler) Vergemeinschaftung und Protest.

Gregor Betz, TU Dortmund

Gregor Jonas BETZ ist wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für Allgemeine Soziologie der TU Dortmund. Er setzt das Projekt "Protest-Hybride. Zur Bedeutung von Spaß und hedonistischen Motiven bei Protestereignissen und daraus resultierende Spannungsverhältnisse" um. Seine Forschungsthemen sind unter anderen: Ethnografie, Wissenssoziologie, visuelle Soziologie, Modernisierung, Eventisierung, Organisation von Events, Protestereignisse, Stadt- und Regionalsoziologie.



How to Cite

Wittkowski, J., & Betz, G. (2016). Conference Report: Of Football-Themed Church Services and Techno Parties in Pubs: "The Hybridization of Staged Events. On Discussions About Events During Periods of Time". Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 17(3).



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