Exo-Autoethnography: An Introduction





autoethnography, exo-autoethnography, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), familial trauma, trauma transmission, transgenerational transmission of trauma


Exo-autoethnography is the autoethnographic exploration of a history whose events the researcher does not experience directly, but a history that impacts the researcher through familial, or other personal connections, by proxy. It is an approach to research and autoethnographic writing that seeks to analyze individual and private experience, as directed by the other's experience or history, to better understand: a history that affects the researcher indirectly; and personal and community experience as it relates to that history.

The method of exo-autoethnographic research and writing has been developed for the qualitative study into transgenerational transmission of trauma, moving beyond the personal experience of the researcher. In this first and preliminary conception, the method aims to connect the present with a history of the other through transgenerational transmission of trauma and/or experiences of an upbringing influenced by parental trauma.


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Author Biography

Anna Denejkina, University of Technology Sydney

Anna DENEJKINA is an academic and PhD candidate at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS). She is a writer, and has a master of arts in journalism from UTS. Her current research focuses on the ethics of autoethnography and writing trauma, and familial relationships pertaining to returned Soviet veterans of the Soviet-Afghan War, 1979 to 1989: a qualitative study into the transgenerational transmission of combat-related trauma from parent to child.




How to Cite

Denejkina, A. (2017). Exo-Autoethnography: An Introduction. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 18(3). https://doi.org/10.17169/fqs-18.3.2754



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