Review: Bettina Völter, Bettina Dausien, Helma Lutz & Gabriele Rosenthal (Eds.) (2005). Biographieforschung im Diskurs [Biographical Research in Discourse]


  • Andrea D. Bührmann Georg-August-Universität Göttingen



biographical research, qualitative research, interdisciplinary, social construction, individual and society


The editors of this anthology—Bettina VÖLTER, Bettina DAUSIEN, Helma LUTZ and Gabriele ROSENTHAL, all of whom are all well known researchers on biographies—are interested in the state of the art of biographical research. The anthology focuses on the dialectic relationship between the individual and society, and the essays it contains (which are not limited to contributions by German researchers) inform us about the close relationship between different theoretical and methodical approaches to biography. The authors relate their experiences of mixing different theories and methods, the problems they have encountered, and the means by which they have solved them. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0703228


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Author Biography

Andrea D. Bührmann, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

Andrea Dorothea BÜHRMANN, geb. 1961, PD Dr. phil., Privatdozentin an der Universität Münster. Derzeitige Forschungsschwerpunkte: Methoden der empirischen Forschung, insbesondere Diskurs- und Dispositivanalysen, Geschlechterforschung, Gesellschafts- und Wissenschaftstheorie. In FQS finden sich von Andrea Dorothea BÜHRMANN Besprechungen zu: Das "Experteninterview. Theorie, Methode, Anwendung" ( (BOGNER, LITTIG & MENZ 2002), "Experteninterviews und qualitative Inhaltsanalyse" ( (GLÄSER & LAUDEL 2004) sowie "Subjekttheorien interdisziplinär" ( (GRUNDMANN & BEER 2004).



How to Cite

Bührmann, A. D. (2007). Review: Bettina Völter, Bettina Dausien, Helma Lutz & Gabriele Rosenthal (Eds.) (2005). Biographieforschung im Diskurs [Biographical Research in Discourse]. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 8(3).

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