Review: Ralf Bohnsack, Aglaja Przyborski & Burkhart Schäffer (Eds.) (2006). Das Gruppendiskussionsverfahren in der Forschungspraxis [Group Discussions in Research Practise]


  • Daniela Jauk Karl Franzens Universität Graz



methodology, reconstructive social research/methodology, group discussion, documentary methodology, focus groups, research


This anthology by BOHNSACK, PRZYBORSKI and SCHÄFFER promises insights into concrete models of group discussions in specific fields of research (such as infancy, adolescence, and actual applications in organizational and social contexts). It also offers a wide range of methodological reflections. Most of all, it encourages readers to take a closer look at the practice of reconstructive research by presenting parts of original transcripts and their interpretations. However, the book only considers German researchers working in the tradition of the co-editor Ralf BOHNSACK’s documentary methodology, which—lacking broader historical contextualization—sometimes leaves an aftertaste of self-referentiality. The fact that the book focuses mainly on research in progress may be the reason for the excellent explanation and meta-theoretical background of the methodology, but those who expect more content to accompany the form may be left ungratified by some authors’ contributions. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0703125


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Author Biography

Daniela Jauk, Karl Franzens Universität Graz

Mag. Daniela JAUK, geb. 1974, ist Projektmitarbeiterin ( und Lehrbeauftragte am Institut für Soziologie Graz. Forschungsschwerpunkte sind Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung, qualitative Methoden, politische Soziologie und Berufssoziologie. Ein Fulbright-PhD Stipendium in den USA ab August 2007 und eine Dissertation ist im Bereich Soziologie zeitgenössischer Kunst & Gender Studies geplant.



How to Cite

Jauk, D. (2007). Review: Ralf Bohnsack, Aglaja Przyborski & Burkhart Schäffer (Eds.) (2006). Das Gruppendiskussionsverfahren in der Forschungspraxis [Group Discussions in Research Practise]. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 8(3).