Review: Wilfried Breyvogel (Ed.) (2005). Einführung in Jugendkulturen. Veganismus und Tattoos [Introduction to Youth Cultures. Veganism and Tattoos]


  • Sebastian Schröer



textbook, youth cultures, veganism, tattoos


Wilfried BREYVOGEL's introductory textbook combines three individual texts. As well as an historic overview of diverse "youth cultures" there are two extensive contributions devoted to veganism (Thomas SCHWARZ) and tattoos (Tobias LOBSTÄDT). BREYVOGEL's contribution is a literature-based study, whereas SCHWARZ and LOBSTÄDT present work based on original research. However, expectations of an introductory textbook are disappointed because the book does not contain a well-founded and "tight" theoretical derivation on the topic of "youth cultures," and the two choice of the two exemplary youth cultures makes little sense. Furthermore, the individual contributions show flaws in both content and format. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0703279


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Author Biography

Sebastian Schröer

Sebastian SCHRÖER, Dipl. Sozialarbeiter/Sozialpädagoge (FH), Freiberuflicher Dozent im Bereich Erwachsenenbildung, Promotionsstudent an der TU Dresden im Fach Soziologie am Lehrstuhl für Mikrosoziologie, Thema der Dissertation: "HipHop als Jugendkultur? – Eine ethnographische Studie".



How to Cite

Schröer, S. (2007). Review: Wilfried Breyvogel (Ed.) (2005). Einführung in Jugendkulturen. Veganismus und Tattoos [Introduction to Youth Cultures. Veganism and Tattoos]. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 8(3).