Review: Jean-Claude Kaufmann (2005). Die Erfindung des Ich. Eine Theorie der Identität [The Invention of the I. A Theory of Identity]
identity, personality development, subjectivity, modernity, self discoveryAbstract
This book contains KAUFMANN’s views on the multiform concept of identity and summarizes the essentials of the French debate around this construct. KAUFMANN attempts to sketch a theory of identity in which he refers to the classics—above all, FREUD, MEAD and ERIKSON—as well as using the results of his empirical studies on pair-behavior, everyday life and family life, and the element of luck in relationships for the positioning of presence—regarding the individual as a starting point. KAUFMANN describes different strategies of contact with "identity dictation" and refers to the necessity of a new formulation and stressing of the social, because he believes that with the whole search of the individual for itself a loss of common sense and collective visions occurs. The book will disclose new facets to the discourse around identity and adds new accents to the debate around individuation and public welfare orientation. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0801274Downloads
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How to Cite
Hoffmann, D. (2008). Review: Jean-Claude Kaufmann (2005). Die Erfindung des Ich. Eine Theorie der Identität [The Invention of the I. A Theory of Identity]. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 9(1).
FQS Reviews
Copyright (c) 2008 Dagmar Hoffmann

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