Grounded Duoethnography: A Dialogic Method for the Exploration of Intuition Through Divergence and Convergence


  • Brianna L. Kennedy Utrecht University
  • Hadass Moore Hebrew University of Jerusalem



constructivist grounded theory methodology, duoethnography, qualitative methodology, bricolage, sensitizing concepts, grounded duoethnography


Motivated by our respective intuition about our need for a place called "home," we engaged in methodological bricolage to study the concept. We draw upon methodological traditions of constructivist grounded theory methodology (CHARMAZ, 2006; CHARMAZ & KELLER, 2016) and duoethnography (NORRIS & SAWYER, 2012) to envision and conduct a grounded duoethnography. Ultimately positioning the methodology within a constructivist paradigm, we nevertheless draw upon the complexities of postmodernism and poststructuralism, specifically as invoked in CLARKE's (2009, 2019) situational analysis and NORRIS and SAWYER's (2012) application of Bakhtinian dialogue to create a shared narrative through the exploration of the convergences and divergences of our experiences and expertise. Through these dialogues we identify core concepts related to "home." We elaborate on the background and application of this methodology and briefly describe an example to demonstrate how these concepts have sensitized us as scholars.


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Author Biographies

Brianna L. Kennedy, Utrecht University

Dr. Brianna L. KENNEDY is an assistant professor in the Department of Education at Utrecht University. She studies the inclusion and exclusion of students from nondominant social backgrounds with a particular focus on educational policy and classroom teaching. As a former middle school teacher, she prioritizes the bridging of theory, research, and practice, and she investigates and develops appropriate inquiry approaches to do so.

Hadass Moore, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Dr. Hadass MOORE is an assistant professor at the Paul Baerwald School of Social Work and Social Welfare at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Her research focuses on populations experiencing homelessness, and the intersection between education and social work. In her work she examines the role of larger contextual factors in the lives of at-risk children and youth. This focus is based on her practice experience. Dr. Moore utilizes both quantitative and qualitative methods in order to understand the nestedness of homeless children and youth within the different systems.




How to Cite

Kennedy, B., & Moore, H. (2021). Grounded Duoethnography: A Dialogic Method for the Exploration of Intuition Through Divergence and Convergence. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 22(2).