Review: Richard Sennett (2005). Die Kultur des neuen Kapitalismus [The Culture of the New Capitalism]
capitalistic society, flexibility, biographical studiesAbstract
Richard SENNETT's new book The Culture of the New Capitalism deals with living conditions in current capitalist societies. SENNETT comes to the conclusion that changes in the labor market and bureaucracy mean employees can no longer make reliable plans about their future. Adapting to the necessary flexibility of the market, the bureaucracy cannot guarantee this reliable planning anymore. On the contrary, it demands flexibility from the employees themselves. Missing empirical, well-founded research for his statements, SENNETT's analysis is problematic; further research is necessary, for example in the area of biographical research. Questions arise about how strategies for labor market demands, concerning flexibility on the part of the employees, develop and how methods of resistance to market demands can be found. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0801402Downloads
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How to Cite
Spetsmann-Kunkel, M. (2008). Review: Richard Sennett (2005). Die Kultur des neuen Kapitalismus [The Culture of the New Capitalism]. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 9(1).
FQS Reviews
Copyright (c) 2008 Martin Spetsmann-Kunkel

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