Conference Report: Quo Vadis Reconstructive Social Work Research? Traditions—State of the Art—Perspectives


  • Ulrike Loch Universität Kassel
  • Silke-Birgitta Gahleitner Alice-Salomon-Fachhochschule Berlin



social work, qualitative research, research methods, conference, networking


This conference report gives an overview of the 3rd annual conference of the "Network for Reconstructive Research and Biography" held at the Alice-Salomon-University of Applied Science, Berlin, Germany, on 23rd and 24th March, 2007. The aim of this year's conference was to report on the state of the art of research on social work, the current research situations at various universities in Germany, and the discourse on reconstructive social work within the discipline. This was to serve as a basis for the planned next step regarding the further development of the Network, i.e. intensive exchange, promotion of networking with colleagues and concrete forms of co-operation and strategies designed to further consolidate reconstructive social work in the Federal Republic of Germany. The keynote speakers gave further particulars about the state of the art of social work research, the workshops explored this situation in the areas of international social work practice and research, the teaching of research, junior researchers, research funding and new bachelor and master degree programs in the reconstructive social work. Approximately 40 participants met and provided new trend-setting ideas for qualitative research in social work and for the work and structure of the Network. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0801338


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Author Biographies

Ulrike Loch, Universität Kassel

Ulrike LOCH, Dipl. Sozialarbeiterin/-pädagogin, Promotion in Sozialer Arbeit. Universität Kassel, Fachbereich Sozialwesen. Schwerpunkte in Lehre, Forschung und Praxis: Methoden und Methodologien qualitativer Forschung mit Schwerpunkt Biografieforschung, mehrgenerationelle Familien- und Traumaforschung, professionelles Handeln, Methoden Sozialer Arbeit.

Silke-Birgitta Gahleitner, Alice-Salomon-Fachhochschule Berlin

Silke Birgitta GAHLEITNER, Studium der Sozialen Arbeit, Promotion in Klinischer Psychologie, Fachsozialarbeiterin für Klinische Sozialarbeit (ZKS) und Psychotherapeutin (A). Seit 2006 Professorin für Klinische Psychologie und Sozialarbeit mit dem Schwerpunktbereich Psychotherapie und Beratung an der Alice-Salomon-Fachhochschule Berlin. Schwerpunkte in Lehre, Praxis und Forschung: qualitative Forschungsmethoden und Genderforschung, Klinische Sozialarbeit, Psychosoziale Arbeit, Psychotherapie und Beratung.



How to Cite

Loch, U., & Gahleitner, S.-B. (2008). Conference Report: Quo Vadis Reconstructive Social Work Research? Traditions—State of the Art—Perspectives. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 9(1).