Review: Marie-Kristin Döbler (2020). Nicht-Präsenz in Paarbeziehungen – Lieben und Leben auf Distanz [Non-Presence in Couple Relationships: Loving and Living at a Distance]


  • Viola Logemann Universität Hamburg



sociology of love and relationships, sociology of knowledge, narrative interview, couple interview, survey, online research, grounded theory methodology, documentary method, discourse analysis, construction of reality, couple relationships


In her research Marie-Kristin DÖBLER has dealt with what it means to be a couple when the relationship is largely conducted in the physical absence of the partners. The central question for her was the (re)production of knowledge within the couple relationship, but also in the context of socio-cultural knowledge. For data collection, DÖBLER used  individual and couple narrative interviews, a written survey, and online research in newspapers and magazines. For data analysis, grounded theory methodology, the documentary method, and discourse analytic procedures were used. In this way, DÖBLER succeeded in showing what is defined and legitimized as a normal couple relationship in public discourse and how her interviewees refer to it. The discussion focuses on the added value of this approach for questions in the sociology of couples and knowledge.


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Author Biography

Viola Logemann, Universität Hamburg

Viola LOGEMANN ist wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin im Fachgebiet Soziologie am Fachbereich Sozialökonomie der Universität Hamburg. Sie beschäftigt sich mit paar- und familiensoziologischen Fragestellungen, Lebensführung und Geschlecht. In ihrer Dissertation forscht sie zum Zusammenziehen von Paaren aus einer wissenssoziologischen Perspektive.



How to Cite

Logemann, V. (2021). Review: Marie-Kristin Döbler (2020). Nicht-Präsenz in Paarbeziehungen – Lieben und Leben auf Distanz [Non-Presence in Couple Relationships: Loving and Living at a Distance]. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 22(2).