Review: Paul ten Have (2004). Understanding Qualitative Research and Ethnomethodology
ethnomethodology, ethnography, qualitative methodology, grounded theory, conversational analysisAbstract
Paul TEN HAVE presents an overview of qualitative methodology approaches and compares selected approaches to ethnomethodology. TEN HAVE differentiates methods from methodology. The book offers a collection of qualitative methods but not a methodology for doing qualitative research. TEN HAVE defines methods as research strategies and contends that methods are central to qualitative inquiry from start to finish. The text is organized into nine chapters covering topics related to ethnomethodology's perspective, methods, and research, and comparisons to ethnography and grounded theory. This review provides a commentary on TEN HAVE's text for qualitative researchers. The core of the book is on ethnomethodology. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0503121Downloads
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How to Cite
Cole, C. L. (2005). Review: Paul ten Have (2004). Understanding Qualitative Research and Ethnomethodology. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 6(3).
FQS Reviews
Copyright (c) 2005 Charles Lee Cole

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