Communities of Scholars and Mixed Methods Research: Relationships Among Fields and Researchers


  • Noemi Novello Università di Milano-Bicocca



methods, research communities, citation network analysis, knowledge circulation


In this paper I explore processes of knowledge production and circulation within a specific research community: the self-identified community of mixed methods scholars—i.e., the group of researchers adopting a mixed methods approach and using the label mixed methods—during the phase of its emergence and institutionalization. I focus on citations within this community, considering that the act of citing is linked to the intention of scholars to position their work not only within a research area but also within a community contributing to that specific area. I employed strategies from citation network analysis (CNA) to understand the fields involved, as well as the structure of the community in relation to citation practices. I identified the most common subjects and methodological fields in which mixed methods are mentioned by isolating sub-communities and the most influential authors in the network. I discuss the implications of this network structure with regard to power relations and hegemony. This also includes the function of nodes which appear to be marginal, but are relevant in citation practices since these authors play a bridging role across the various sub-communities.


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Author Biography

Noemi Novello, Università di Milano-Bicocca

Noemi NOVELLO is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Milano-Bicocca. In their research, they focus on scientific knowledge and its backstage, also including methodology for social research. Currently they are involved in a project about preterm parents' experiences (ParWelB) implementing, among other things, forms of digital support for parents.


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How to Cite

Novello, N. (2023). Communities of Scholars and Mixed Methods Research: Relationships Among Fields and Researchers. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 24(1).



Methodological, Philosophical and Sociology of Science Perspectives