Mapping a Way Into Qualitative Inquiry: Reflections on Learning and Teaching Clarke's Situational Analysis
situational analysis, theory/methods package, mapping, qualitative social research, qualitative methods instructionAbstract
In this essay I make a case for Adele CLARKE's situational analysis as an example of a theory/methods package which can help those approaching qualitative social research from professional fields not traditionally associated with qualitative methods to produce relevant and new knowledge. I base both my argumentation and my personal reflections in this text on my own experience as a newcomer to qualitative social research from professional fields at the intersection of medicine and language. I first discuss what theory/methods packages are and how they matter to all scientific work. I then give a brief introduction to situational analysis, with special emphasis on those aspects which I find particularly helpful to learners of qualitative social research. Lastly, I share some reflections about learning and teaching situational analysis and suggest approaches to its application to postgraduate research methods instruction.
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