A Sustainable Planet in the Digital Age. What Can Social Worlds, Arenas and Boundary Objects Contribute to the Exploration of Conventions?
theory of social worlds and arenas, sociology of conventions, digitalization and sustainability, boundary objects, pragmatism, situational analysisAbstract
Digitalization and sustainability are two transformation dynamics both corresponding and contradicting each other. I will examine their relationship in this article. While digital technologies hold considerable potential for sustainable change (energy efficiency), they also have high energy requirements (e.g., data centers). Modern societies must find legitimate solutions to the resulting problems of action and develop strategies to approach them. What remains unresolved is how such solutions will look. In order to analyze the emergence and development of such solution strategies, I propose to combine two pragmatistic traditions: the French sociology of conventions and the US-American theory of social worlds and arenas. The aim is to make both the creation and the establishment of institutions empirically tangible. By taking the "Action Plan for a Sustainable Planet in the Digital Age" of the multi-stakeholder initiative Coalition for Digital Environmental Sustainability (CODES, 2022a) as an example, the relevance of the analysis of social worlds, arenas and boundary objects for the sociology of conventions is established.
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