Children and Implicated Actors Within Social Worlds/Arenas Maps: Reconsidering Situational Analysis From a Childhood Studies Perspective
worlds/arenas maps, situational analysis, implicated actors, childhood studies, generational order, generational relations, child, family, school, home-school relationsAbstract
We discuss situational analysis as an auspicious method for researchers in childhood studies due to its critical-reflexive approach towards power relations, marginalization, and relationalities of collective action—which are topical issues within childhood studies. Especially the position of "implicated actors" (CLARKE & MONTINI, 1993, p.45), a key concept of social worlds/arenas theory, seems conducive towards research about children. However, we also raise concerns about potentially re-marginalizing children in and through research when it is assumed that, as implicated actors, they are not involved in social worlds/arenas and therefore also not involved in social action. We discuss the methodological potentials and pitfalls of social worlds/arenas maps and the use of the concept of implicated actors to analyze children and childhood. We draw from empirical projects and central conceptual debates within childhood studies and focus on three theses: With social worlds/arenas maps 1. researchers are at risk of rendering children invisible; 2. researchers cannot (yet) capture the intragenerational relations of children (as implicated actors); 3. researchers cannot fully account for a relational understanding of children and childhood. Based on these considerations, we suggest how to enable and reconsider the analysis of children and childhood with social worlds/arenas maps using situational analysis.
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