The Show with the Voice: An [Au]/-[o]-tophonographic Parody
voice, writing, performativity, communication, autobiography, fictocriticism, subjectivity, audience, genderAbstract
According to my claim that voice as a phenomenon cannot be materialised or located, neither in the (voice organ of the) self nor in the (ear of the) other, I coined the term [au]/[o]-tophonography for my examination of the possibilities of performing subjectivity in writing and in sound productions. Drawing on the theory of performativity in its deconstructive senses (see BUTLER, 1993, 1997, 1999/1990; DERRIDA, 1988/1972, 1997/1967, 2002/1981; SMITH, 1995) my performative epistemology reaches beyond the theoretical, including the practical and the aesthetical, aiming at questioning notions of "self", "audience", "voice", "writing" and "communication". "The show with the voice" ( is an example of this practice. It parodies the medico-scientific approach to the human voice by presenting some of its possible appearances (the "normal", the "disordered", the "homosexual" and the "transsexual" voice) in an audio collage that takes the shape of a mock tutorial. Through re-contextualising and re-compiling voice samples from different sources that are usually kept apart (e.g. the lecturer's voice, the researcher's voice, the artist's voice, the autobiographer's voice) I open a space for a multidisciplinary and creative perspective to the examination of voice. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0802279Downloads
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How to Cite
Scheidt, D. D. S. (2008). The Show with the Voice: An [Au]/-[o]-tophonographic Parody. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 9(2).
Thematic Issue
Copyright (c) 2008 David D.J. Sander Scheidt

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