Multiple Ways of Seeing. Reflections on an Image-Based Q Study on Reconciliation in Colombia
Q methodology, Q sorts, subjectivity, hybrids, mixed methods research, image-based research, reconciliation, ColombiaAbstract
Q methodology was created as a means to explore and map subjective viewpoints in a systematic, relational and holistic manner. In this paper, we discuss Q methodology as a promising hybrid approach and present methodological takeaways from an online Q study on the meanings of reconciliation in Colombia, based on data obtained in 2021. Q is a method of capturing subjectivity that conveys an aura of objectivity, because researchers seldom explicitly engage subjectivity We provide a brief overview of our research project, showcase some results, and offer a lens through which to reflect on the entanglement of qualitative and quantitative moments in Q methodology. We spell out its interpretive layers, highlighting the role of subjectivity in two key phases of the research: the design of the study (image-based Q items) and the interpretive process (factor analysis). Although the quantitative moments of Q are seductive in their promise of objective factor analytical measurement, we argue that Q requires researchers to practice reflexivity and to explicitly engage with their subjectivity.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Anika Oettler, Ilona Stahl, Luisa Betancourt Macuase, Myriell Fusser

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