Teaching Studios as Spaces of Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Shaping a Transitional Phase in Teaching Qualitative Research Methods
teaching qualitative methods, interdisciplinarity, collaboration, teaching studios, liminality, professional learning communitiesAbstract
Qualitative social research and methodological education are currently undergoing significant transformations. In the context of new research questions, fields, and approaches, in addition to the expansion of qualitative teaching programs, generational shifts among instructors, changes in higher education policy and advancements in technology, new opportunities as well as challenges for higher education (instructors) are being created. In this paper we conceptualize the current state of qualitative methodology education through the lens of liminality (TURNER, 1991 [1969]), framing it as work at the threshold, where established routines have been dismantled and new ones are yet to emerge. We interpret the establishment of the Lehrwerkstätten-Netzwerk [Network of Teaching Studios] in 2022 as an expression of this liminality and report (from the perspective of participants) on its development. We view the teaching studios as an interdisciplinary format in which educators collectively navigate this transitional phase: they engage (similar to professionelle Lerngemeinschaften [professional learning communities], BONSEN & ROLF, 2006) in the professionalization of qualitative methodology instruction, while simultaneously fostering a collaborative academic culture that may extend beyond qualitative methods. We discuss current challenges within the network and provide an outlook on potential developments and dynamics of the teaching studio format.
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