Review: Olaf Rahmstorf (2023). Wikipedia: Die rationale Seite der Digitalisierung? Entwurf einer Theorie [Wikipedia: The Rational Side of Digitalization? Draft of a Theory]


  • Tom Kaden Universität Bayreuth



Wikipedia, digitalization, knowledge production, argumentation theory, neutrality, platform capitalism, qualitative methods, sociology, digital encyclopedia, social dynamics


In his book Olaf RAHMSTORF offers a comprehensive analysis of Wikipedia as both a social and technical phenomenon, examined within the context of digitalization. He develops a "theory of Wikipedia" to investigate the unique features of this digital encyclopedia, including its work organization, decision-making processes, and knowledge production. RAHMSTORF discusses the role of neutrality, the social dynamics of the Wikipedia community, and the structural tensions arising from cultural differences and external norms. He combines qualitative methods, such as participant observation and text analysis, with theoretical approaches from argumentation theory and sociology to decode the complex discourses within Wikipedia. The book concludes with a reflection on the ambivalences of Wikipedia as both a (counter-)part of modern platform capitalism and a space for rational, normative discourse.


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Author Biography

Tom Kaden, Universität Bayreuth

Tom KADEN ist akademischer Rat a.Z. am Lehrstuhl für Kultur- und Religionssoziologie der Universität Bayreuth. Zu seinen Forschungsschwerpunkten zählen Religionssoziologie, das Verhältnis von Wissenschaft und Religion sowie digitale Propaganda.


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How to Cite

Kaden, T. (2024). Review: Olaf Rahmstorf (2023). Wikipedia: Die rationale Seite der Digitalisierung? Entwurf einer Theorie [Wikipedia: The Rational Side of Digitalization? Draft of a Theory]. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 25(3).



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