Review Essay: Critical Alignments: Linking Problem, Solution, and Evidence in the Production and Study of Government Technologies
In the review essay regarding Tim SEITZ's book "The Practice of Nudging," I examine its contribution to the current nudging debate and to science and technology studies (STS). I discuss his methodological approach, which is characterized by a praxeological analysis of the production of nudges—behavioral economic interventions designed to influence decision-making—and demonstrate how he extends the established power-critical perspective of governmentality studies. Particular attention is given to SEITZ’s dual research focus, namely his investigation of both the production of nudges and the scientific knowledge production surrounding nudging. I emphasize the theoretical foundation of his work and the dialogical connection he draws between theory and empirical research, and acknowledge the book's clear structure and high level of readability. From my perspective, SEITZ's work is groundbreaking for the critical analysis of complex social problem-solving strategies, particularly those concerned with the practical alignment of problem, solution, and evidence.
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