Conducting Biographical-Narrative Interviews During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Methodological Reflections on Situated Affective Encounters and Emotional Reflexivity


  • Minna Kristiina Ruokonen-Engler Institute for Social Research Frankfurt



COVID-19 pandemic, biographical-narrative interviewing, digital online interviews, situated affective encounters, emotional reflexivity


In pre-pandemic times, biographical-narrative interviews were conducted regularly on-site in intimate face-to-face situations. However, the COVID-19 pandemic, followed by several lockdowns and the politics of social distancing, forced many scholars to use digital tools for interviewing. In this article, I take a self-reflexive, autoethnographic look at my own research process during the COVID-19 pandemic. I explore the problems I faced in conducting interviews both on-site and in online settings. I focus on the affective and emotional dimension, as this was strongly influenced by "atmospheres of anxiety" (TRIGG, 2022), created by the pandemic. I propose the concept of "emotional reflexivity" (HOLMES, 2015) as a tool for dealing with the challenges encountered in the research field. Furthermore, I advocate an epistemic exploration of the objections and opportunities of conducting biographical-narrative interviews in digital online space. In so doing, I aim to contribute to the empirically grounded, methodological discussion of the affective and emotional underpinnings and diverse ways of conducting such interviews.


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Author Biography

Minna Kristiina Ruokonen-Engler, Institute for Social Research Frankfurt

Minna Kristiina RUOKONEN-ENGLER, Dr.phil., is a sociologist and research associate at the Institute for Social Research Frankfurt and research coordinator at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences. In her ongoing research project, she explores intergenerational experiences of social mobility through educational advancement in context of migrant families: "Durch Bildung zu sozialem Aufstieg: Zur intergenerationalen Bearbeitung von Aufstiegserfahrungen in Migrationsfamilien" [Social Advancement Through Education: On Intergenerational Negotiations of Upward Social Mobility Experiences in Migrant Families], financed by DFG, 445115586. Her research interests include migration, social mobility, social inequality and discrimination, gender and diversity, qualitative methods and biography research.


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How to Cite

Ruokonen-Engler, M. K. (2025). Conducting Biographical-Narrative Interviews During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Methodological Reflections on Situated Affective Encounters and Emotional Reflexivity. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 26(1).



Emotions in the Research Process. Methodological Challenges and Theoretical Reflections