"Guess What?": On Hidden-Camera Pranks' Revelation Sequences
hidden-camera pranks, ethnomethodological breaching experiments, naturally organized ordinary activities, in vivo dramatic art, vulgar psychotherapy, audio-videographic digital documentsAbstract
Conceived as public communication objects, hidden-camera pranks (HCPs) are a type of documentary on ordinary pranks. Defined versus classical Garfinkelian breaching experiments, HCPs also offer a natural form of ethnomethodological experimentation. Here I present some results of an analysis of a sample of forty-nine HCPs' revelation sequences (RSs). These little clips of five to fifty seconds long allow for the description of audio-visual details of the interactional work that actors, accomplices and victims of a HCP have to perform, in a finely coordinated manner in order "to put an end" to an artificially constructed social situation. My study focuses on a set of practical relevances of the work of revelation (offering) and awakening (acceptation/rejection) endogenously pointed at and topicalized by the agents enmeshed in the HCP situation. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0402126Downloads
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How to Cite
Izquierdo-Martín, A. J. (2004). "Guess What?": On Hidden-Camera Pranks’ Revelation Sequences. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 5(2). https://doi.org/10.17169/fqs-5.2.608
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Copyright (c) 2004 A. Javier Izquierdo-Martín

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