Review Essay: Paradigm Wars Around Interview Methodologies: Constructionism and Postmodernism "on tap" or "on top"?
constructionism, postmodernism, realism, ethnomethodology, paradigm, ideology, reflexivity, scientificity, Bachelard, interview, ethnography, craft, interviewismAbstract
Two overlapping volumes extracted from the Handbook of interview research are seen as providing a considerable variety and depth of useful technical advice for qualitative researchers and a plethora of ideological warfare and confusion which helps nobody. Chapters on a range of types of more or less reluctant respondents and on phone and computer-aided interviewing (on and off the Web) are followed by chapters on transcription and on computer-aided (or not) qualitative analysis and interpretation from a variety of positions. Questions of representation are addressed. The review argues that post-modernist and constructivist practice can be a useful tactic in a struggle for a more reflexive and subtle researched understanding, but (as a philosophy competing for dominance) they make up a counter-productive "American ideology" which is self-contradictory, and personally and politically unhelpful. "On tap", yes; "on top", no! URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0401309Downloads
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How to Cite
Wengraf, T. (2004). Review Essay: Paradigm Wars Around Interview Methodologies: Constructionism and Postmodernism "on tap" or "on top"?. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 5(1).
Methodology and Methods
Copyright (c) 2004 Tom Wengraf

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