Review: Ursula Pasero & Anja Gottburgsen (Eds.) (2002). Wie natürlich ist Geschlecht? Gender und die Konstruktion von Natur und Technik [How Obvious is Sex? Gender and the Construction of Nature and Technology]
gender studies, gender identity, role taking, women support, acceptance of technology, competenceAbstract
The purpose of the editors is to take up again the most relevant papers from the conference, "The Nature of Gender—The Gender of Nature", held in Kiel (Germany) in November 2000. Various authors reflect on the current debate about the constructions and production of gender by referring to the special debate in natural and technical sciences. The female contributors test and criticise popular explications for gender differences. Other authors try to analyse the particular reasons why women might or might not be interested in technology and why women study technology or natural science less often than men. The reader can select from many interesting and extraordinary perspectives from different disciplines. Perhaps some of the contributions could be helpful in underscoring similar approaches in social science. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0401314Downloads
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How to Cite
Hoffmann, D., & Bott, S. (2004). Review: Ursula Pasero & Anja Gottburgsen (Eds.) (2002). Wie natürlich ist Geschlecht? Gender und die Konstruktion von Natur und Technik [How Obvious is Sex? Gender and the Construction of Nature and Technology]. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 5(1).
Body / Culture / Identity
Copyright (c) 2004 Dagmar Hoffmann, Sören Bott

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