Review: Theodor M. Bardmann & Alexander Lamprecht (1999). Systemtheorie verstehen. Eine multimediale Einführung in systemisches Denken [Understanding System Theory]
system theory, CD-ROM, computer assisted learning, didactical navigation theoryAbstract
The CD-ROM "Systemtheorie verstehen" (Understanding System Theory) is composed of 13 printable basic essays with 10-20screen pages (3-5 pages in DIN A4) about the main facets of system theory, a printable glossary, interviews with many of the proponents of system theory (BAUMANN, BAECKER, von FOERSTER, GLANVILLE, CETINA, KOCH, LUHMANN, NASSEHI, SCOTT, and SERRES), non-printable essays about the proponents, and a choice of links to the Internet. The evaluation offered of system theory is based on the theory of didactical navigation and covers operational logic, dramaturgy, and medial presentation. The operational logic and dramaturgy components are not satisfying. The medial presentation is more convincing, but does not justify the considerable cost. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0401361Downloads
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How to Cite
Swertz, C. (2004). Review: Theodor M. Bardmann & Alexander Lamprecht (1999). Systemtheorie verstehen. Eine multimediale Einführung in systemisches Denken [Understanding System Theory]. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 5(1).
Theoretical Perspectives
Copyright (c) 2004 Christian Swertz

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